Monday, June 22, 2009

Statement from PCDC

The following is a release sent from the PIke County Democratic Committee regarding the recent resignation of Yolanda Goldsack as Director of Elections in Pike County:

The Pike County Democratic Committee has issued the following statement:

“Yolanda Goldsack’s decision to resign as Director of Elections is an act of service to Pike County’s voters,” said Julius Litman, Chairperson of the Pike County Democratic Committee (PCDC). Litman went on to say that during the more than two years that Mrs. Goldsack has held this position, Pike County Democrats have warned repeatedly against the corrupting conflict of interest represented by her presence as Director of Elections, even as these protestations fell on the deaf ears of the County’s Board of Commissioners. According to Elizabeth Forrest, the county’s State Committeewoman to the Pennsylvania Democratic Committee, ”Recent events have not only demonstrated the accuracy of our predictions of trouble during the 2009 election cycle, but have caused many in Republican and Independent ranks to echo our concerns.”

The PCDC wishes Mrs. Goldsack well and hopes that the transfer she seeks to another County position will be a better fit for her and for taxpayers. In order to regain the trust of Pike County’s voters, the PCDC is confident that the Board of Commissioners will publicly advertise for and actively seek a variety of qualified candidates in order to avoid any further suspicion of cronyism or patronage in a job that must be wholly non-partisan, both in practice and appearance. It is the PCDC’s fervent hope that the position of Director of Elections will be filled only after careful consideration and evaluation of candidates based on merit, proven experience, and tested professionalism. Forrest said, “The complexities of election law make it imperative that we find a candidate, regardless of party, who can execute its requirements with confidence and accuracy.” Both Litman and Forrest stated that the PCDC stands ready to cooperate with the new Director of Elections whoever he or she may be.


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