Friday, May 15, 2009


Sham! Shame!

Following tonight’s Delaware Valley School Board meeting, I am compelled to compose this letter to the citizens of Pike County. I am ashamed that Board members who voted affirmatively for the 2009-2010 school budget believe the citizens of this county to be idiots!

When you wake up tomorrow, you may hear that the DV Board passed a school budget with a “0% tax increase.” BIG SHAM!

This so called “0% tax increase budget” was calculated with “stimulus fund money” that has NOT yet been provided to our district and possibly may never be provided as pointed out by the very same members who voted for the budget! This is one of the biggest deceptions that I have yet encountered. To tell Pike County citizens that this budget has a 0% tax increase when in actuality it may cost the taxpayers anywhere between a 2.5% to a 4.0% in increased taxes is unconscionable. I for one refuse to be associated with this ridiculous fabrication. Using stimulus money, which we do not have to “balance” a budget is highly unprofessional and indicative of an attitude of profound indifference to a fragile business community and suffering home owners.

DV Board incumbents and candidates (Silverstone, Goldsack, Marasa, Wright) recently sent a letter to Pike County residents promising they will provide a 0% increase to the taxpayers. Gee, after the election, do you think they will raise taxes to balance the “real” budget? I remember this happening when a former Board member ran for the office of Commissioner. A week after losing the election, the budget was re-opened and the taxes were increased. Interesting how history repeats itself.

Our country is in its worst shape since the Great Depression and our local educational leaders are the last to get it! Locally, The Pike County food pantry has an alarming demand. Jobs in Pike County are disappearing daily. Businesses are closing their doors. Apartments sit empty. The department of Public Welfare has never been so busy. There are no summer jobs for college students.

And it’s a time to raise taxes???

How dare this Board show such disrespect to this community! Citizens deserve the truth. The real facts of the budget must be revealed and citizens must demand transparency from all Board members. Budgets must be based upon real monies, not reckless gambling behavior.

NEVER have I been so embarrassed to be a member of the DV Board. Never have I been so insulted at the disrespect shown for the taxpayers in our county. Often, I hear administrators and Board members lament that parents need to learn how to say no to their children. I think the time has come when Board members need to say no to the requests of the administration and more importantly public citizens need to say no! no! no! to Board member's shameful actions.

I do NOT support a tax increase. But as a matter of integrity I would rather present an HONEST budget revealing the hidden tax increase than to present a LIE to our citizens - the very citizens who trust us to serve them and to keep them informed.

Citizens, according to Pennsylvania statute, you have the right to view the budget during the next 30 days. Please visit the district office and request to view the budget. Ask about the funds and “absence of funds” so you may see for yourself what is happening here. You have a voice about this budget. Get involved and demand better representation. Together we can make a difference.

Fellow Board members, you call this budget an example of fiscal management? What a joke!
Of the members present, Pam Lutfy and Sue Schor were the only two members who voted NO for this charade called a budget.

Pam Lutfy
Delaware valley School Board member


  1. Pam,

    If I had not seen it for myself I would not believe you. Perhaps we can blame it on the board growing up with "the new math."

    The actions of the Board were disingenuous. Our student population is declining, yet the Board increased spending by 4.72% and somehow believes that they should force a 0% tax increase on paper by counting money our PA State Senate has voted down. All agreed we will not know what money we will receive.

    They asked no hard questions during budget presentations, but rely on "faith" that the administration only has asked for the money that needed. If there is one thing we all know, there is always fat in every budget. The only way you can cut it is by questioning the expenditures.

    The most absurd statement "We will send a message to Harrisburg by adopting a 0% tax increase budget"


    I can only imagine the fear that our lawmakers have now that DVSD has publicly stated they will not increase taxes in these hard economic times!

    Somehow these Directors believe that our lawmakers will feel compelled to vote to give us the money that we knew we did not have, but we counted on, so our School Directors don't look foolish! After all, we are 1 of only 400 school districts! I mean, they have to listen to us.

    The arrogance and sense of entitlement of this thinking is overwhelming.

    I mean, if we spend it, they will pay; right?

  2. Sorry, I have overstated out importance.

    DVSD is 1 of 501 school districts in PA.
