Thursday, April 30, 2009

Act Now!

Tuesday, April 29, 2009 there was an open candidates forum sponsored by the Matamoras Republican Club. No Taxpayers United candidate showed. They didn't even let the Club organizer know that they were not gong to bother.

Wednesday April 30, 2009 there was another open forum sponsored by the PTA, as usual, no Taxpayer United Candidate showed up. There were two other candidates that could not make it to that forum, both sent statements giving an overview of their qualifications and their candidacy. This opportunity was offered to the TU folks, but they couldn't be bothered. Apparently they had a prior engagement at a "kaffee klastch".

If you don't bother to complete a single questionnaire that was sent to all candidates (0 for 2) or show up to any candidate forum where all candidates have been invited (0 for 2) why should anyone bother to vote for you?

Taxpayers United wants to conduct their entire campaign through letters to the editor that are filled with errors, and have less truth than fiction. Are you going to allow them to do that?

As I like to say,
Learn; Educate; Vote.
We get the government we deserve.

If these TU candidates get elected running this type of campaign we will get the government we deserve: A board that is insulated, unresponsive, and "can't be bothered." Is this what you deserve?

By avoiding answering any tough questions, and by taking pot shots through letters to the editor they may win this one. If you think you deserve better representatives than these candidates, ones that avoid every tough question, you had better get motivated and get moving.

Get everyone you know to check the Future of Pike County out. Ask them if they read our completed questionnaires. Ask them if they read the endorsements that the Pennsylvania State Education Association and the Future of Pike County have given us this year.

Sign up!

Get Involved!

1 comment:

  1. My name is Paul Sybrandy and I am the Vice-President of the Matamoras Republican Club. As stated in the above blog post we invited ALL of the candidates running. Also as mentioned above, not only did they NOT attend, but they did not even have the common courtesy or not calling. Apparently they do not care about this position or the students/parents/teachers cares at all. Is this who we want to have as our representatives in the school board? I think not. Even if they had my support before, they DEFINITELY don't have it now.
